Cathy Ryan & Robin Spiegel – Rest, Reset, Renew
30th, 31st May & 1st June 2025

Last year, Cathy & Robin visited the island and were inspired to return this year to co-lead a retreat based around connecting with the elements in order to deepen our understanding of ourselves and the gifts available to us.

Cathy Ryan
After initially training and working as an actor, Cathy has trained in many practices centered around self awareness, personal exploration & movement. The past 20 years have seen her travelling and teaching extensively, running groups and workshops in many countries all over the world and now online.

Robin Spiegel
For the past 35 plus years, Robin has supported students and clients to reach for their highest potential through spiritual counseling, inspiration, empowerment, compassion and healing touch. Trained in many healing practices including massage, aromatherapy, reflexology, Robin is also a certified coach.

For more information click “Here

Rest, Reset, Re newal_ with Cathy Ryan and R obin Spiegel May 30, 31 & June 1, 2025-2